
Links 11-3-2016

Look, it’s almost the election and I wish I could say that these links are full of happy things. There are some, but first:

Awful things

The upcoming book The Continent, which has apparently been getting a lot of buzz, is also apparently full of really awful stereotyping and racism. I won’t be reading or recommending this one in any way.

In other terrible news, Johnny Depp has been cast in Fantastic Beasts 2. So. Yeah. That’s happening, and I’m furious and sad and tired about it.

Twitter friend Amy Diegelman wrote a fiery essay in response to harassment in the comics world. Required reading if you care about comics and/or women’s experiences online. Also see this thread from Noelle Stevenson, which made me actually cry.

Non-awful things

My dear friend Ally shared some valuable tips for helping someone struggling with a mental health crisis. It’s aimed at teens and librarians, but is worth reading no matter what.

The World Fantasy Awards were announced and they look pretty great! I will say I’m somewhat baffled by the choice for Novel. And I’m not giving the WFC a pass on this year, considering the lead up to the Convention.

If you are also a fan of Sydney Padua’s Thrilling Adventures of Babbage and Lovelace, you’ll be happy to know that THERE’S A NEW COMIC!! If you’re not a fan, please go read it so that we can discuss the joys of mathematics and the iniquities of street organs.

Finally, I saw a link to this 2012 Zen Cho short story recently and it is incredibly comforting and lovely and perfect.

By Maureen

Librarian, blogger, and more

4 replies on “Links 11-3-2016”

I feel guilty for saying this since I’m a kiwi but I’m also baffled by the winner of the novel category. I thought The Fifth Season was a no-brainer.

Like many people I hadn’t heard of The Continent until all this stuff started blowing up on Twitter, but WOW does it look like a mess. Good news is, it doesn’t look like my kind of book anyway so it’s very unlikely I’d ever have read it in the first place. Bad news, WHEN WILL PEOPLE STOP BEING SHITTY AND RACIST.

(never I guess)

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