
Links from around the web: 9-4-14

This is really beautiful. (via Miriam Forster)

– I’m not sure exactly where I saw this article first, but the title–“Russia Wants Bulgarians to Stop Vandalizing Soviet Monuments“–kind of says it all.

100 Actual Titles of Real Eighteenth Century Novels. Pretty sure I want to change my Twitter bio to one of these. But ““I Can’t Afford It.” And Other Tales.” OR “Socrates Out Of His Senses.” OR “Who Is The Bridegroom? Or, Nuptial Discoveries.” OR “The Fault Was All His Own. In A Series Of Letters. By A Lady.” WHICH SHOULD IT BE?

– For the period drama fans, a nice list of five more obscure period dramas to look up. These have just about all my favorite British actresses in them, so I’ll definitely be checking them out! (I feel like actress is kind of an old-fashioned term at this point; am I making that up?) (via Lady Business)

– Liz Burns had an interesting post the other day called “Dolls or Action Figures? Hints or Hacks? Inspiration or FanFic?” which was a thoughtful look at the terms we use to describe activities and how gender can contribute to what is considered cool and what isn’t.

– The Lev Grossman essay Liz references in her post has also been floating around and is worth a read. Here’s a nice quote: “Fantasy is sometimes dismissed as childish, or escapist, but I take what I am doing very, very seriously. For me fantasy isn’t about escaping from reality, it’s about re-encountering the challenges of the real world, but externalized and transformed. It’s an emotionally raw genre — it forces you to lay yourself open on the page. It doesn’t traffic in ironies and caveats. When you cast a spell you can’t be kidding, you have to mean it.” While I bounced really hard off The Magicians, I related to a lot of what he had to say here.

– Gene Luen Yang’s speech at the National Book Festival, which touches on writing diversely and the power of representation, made me choke up a little bit. Definitely check it out. (via Kaye on Twitter)

– I’ve found a number of Ta-Nehisi Coates’s essays really powerful, but this one, “Acting French“, was just amazing.

By Maureen

Librarian, blogger, and more

4 replies on “Links from around the web: 9-4-14”

I agree–I wasn’t quite sure what it was going to be, but I liked what it turned into a lot.

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